When: October 5, 2024 @ 9:00 am
Help us restore important wildlife habitat in Jackson County!
Mainspring’s Mull Creek Meadow needs your help in order to return to its former glory. High elevation meadows are rare, and are home to many threatened plants and animals including Golden Winged Warblers. These birds are increasingly endangered due to habitat loss, but this meadow is prime breeding habitat for them. However, trees have grown in along the sides of the meadow, shrinking the open area and decreasing its value as wildlife habitat. Join us to open up this important meadow, all while exploring a rich cove forest and enjoying a free lunch with likeminded new friends! Please register for this event using the form at the bottom of the page.
We will begin by hiking up to the meadow along a one mile section of steadily inclining old road (two miles round trip.) There may be some larger or loose rocks to traverse, but overall this is an easy-moderate hike through a beautiful rich cove forest. The old road follows Mull Creek as it bubbles down the mountainside; volunteers may spot special wild Southern Appalachian Brook Trout in its stiller pools, autumn wildflowers growing along its banks, or interesting mosses thriving in the seeps that feed into its waters. Once we reach the meadow, we will take a moment to admire the early autumn colors that adorn the meadow and surrounding mountain peaks. This property is within the Blue Ridge Parkway viewshed, and boasts striking views of the Balsam Mountains! The main task during this workday will be removing the young trees that are encroaching into the meadow. Volunteers can expect to use handsaws and loppers for this task. Please bring work gloves, plenty of water, and sun/bug protection. All other tools will be provided.
Views from Mull Creek
This workday is scheduled from 9:00am-4:00pm. Volunteers may stay for only part of the day, but lunch is provided for volunteers who stay for the whole day. We will meet at East Laporte River Park (State Rte 107, Cullowhee, NC 28723) just before 9:00am on Saturday, October 5th, then carpool to our destination (~15 minute drive.) See map below for exact location.
Please fill out the form below to register for this workday. Contact Martha with any questions: [email protected] or 828-524-2711 ext 305.